About Us.

About Chasing420.

Chasing420  is an on-line magazine highlighting the state of Legalized Marijuana and the economic and cultural impact of this shift in public policy. Topics include Recreational Marijuana, Medical Marijuana and Legalization Issues, as well as, edibles, infused food, Cannabis TV and entertainers in the news. About us

Other diversions include Technology, Gaming, Music and more.

Check us out for informative, educational and entertaining articles and videos.

Visit our On-Line Store ( Coming Soon ) for an interesting collection of products including Jewelry, T-Shirts, Glassware and more.

Chasing 420 is dedicated to the creation, aggregation and curation of the best and most relevant content.

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It’s all About Chasing420 for unbiased views of the state of Legalized Marijuana.

Our goal is to inform and educate to enpower appropriate choices and to make informed decisions.